Caving trips and events in 2020

NOTE! Most of the events have been cancelled or moved online due to the Covid19 situation.
For more information contact
Finnish Caving Association informs its membership in Finnish, but the key events for 2020 are shortly listed here.
13.2.2020 February meetup at 19:00 in Helsinki in pub Kaisla.
19.3.2020 February meetup at 19:00 in Helsinki in pub Kaisla.
Cancelled due to corona virus pandemic
18.4.2020 We try to locate a long forgotten cave in Sauvo where there is a field called Luolanpelto or Field of the cave.
Rescheduled for june or july or august
Our general meeting and spring caving trip.
To be held online
16.5.2020 Introductory course in caving. The course takes place in Turku and in the Luolavuori cave. Moved to 13.6.
June and July
22.—28.6.2020Lummelunda, Gotland, Sweden. A whole week of caving and cave exploration. Cancelled.
A caving trip to Jalasjärven Pirunpesä, Jalasjärvi.
Our 10-year anniversary celebration caving trip to Torhola cave.
27.7.—2.8.2020 Eurospeleo-konference in Spain. Cancelled.
Fjällmöte. Caving in Swedish Lapland.
8.-16.8.2020 Toskaljärvi cave exploration in Enontekiö. The cave is a three days hike away from the closest road and 14 km from the closest area of mobile network reception. Cancelled due to the corona virus pandemic and general uncertainty of future
General meeting and christmas party.