Finnish Caving Society
The Finnish Caving Society is the first and only association focusing on caves and caving in Finland.
We founded the society in 2010. Today we have almost 60 members. Our members catalog Finnish caves and spend their vacations exploring large cave systems abroad.
Take a look at Finnish caves on the map.
Our goals
We promote caving and cave-related activities in Finland.
We want to increase the overall public knowledge of caves and caving.
What we do
We provide information about caves and caving in Finland and organise caving trips to Finland and other countries. As a member you are welcome to participate in our meetings, trainings and courses (there might be additional course fees included).
Our society also helps and promotes cave conservation and surveying in Finland.
We publish an annual printed member journal that you get automatically when you join us. You can buy previous year’s journals online.
Our society represents Finland in the European Speleological Federation.
We have an active Facebook group where you are free to join even if you are not a member. You can follow us on Instagram or Twitter.
We also go cave diving
We do not focus on cave diving, but some of our members are trained cave divers and they dive sumps and caves in general.
For cave divers only, there are other organisations.
Contact us
Send us a message at or fill in the contact form.
Join our discussions at Finnish Caving Society on Facebook